

easy to care

Thuja occidentalis ´Golden Smaragd´®
Golden Smaragd® – the “golden” Thuja Smaragd.
Golden Smaragd® looks great. Where does the top variety come from?
Golden Smaragd® – for “golden” accents in every garden situation.
Attractively coloured all year round, easy to care for and hardy – ‘Golden Smaragd’®
Whoever plants a tree will win the sky,
´Golden Smaragd´® - The "golden nugget" in the garden
Botanical Name:
Thuja occidentalis ´Golden Smaragd´®
Common Name: Arbor-Vitae ´Golden Smaragd´®
Habit: Cone-shaped, about 0.7 – 1.7 m wide and 2-5 m high
Nutritious, fresh to moist garden soils in sunny and semi-shady locations. Reliably frost-hardy, undemanding, wind-resistant and very healthy.
Hardiness: Zone 5a (= -26°C bis -29°C)
When to plant:
March/April/May and September/October
Thuja ´Golden Smaragd´® is the „golden“ twin to the popular green variety Thuja occidentalis ´Smaragd´.
- The golden yellow needle ensures a good long-distance effectie goldgelbe Benadelung sorgt für gute Fernwirkung
- Evergreen – for high privacy
- Windscreen, dampens road noise and filters dust
- Nesting site for birds
- Easy-care, hardy & cut-compatible
J. Willard Marriott
The strongest trees grow in the most difficult conditions.
‘Golden Smaragd’ ® conjures up golden effects in every garden and many other locations. The “golden” Arbor-Vitae ‘Golden Smaragd’ ® is the twin of the popular and millionfold planted variety Thuja occidentalis ´Emerald´/´Smaragd´.
‘Golden Smaragd’ ® is a variety of Thuja occidentalis originating from Poland. It was selected from hundreds of thousands of seedlings by breeder Edward Kubik and tested for its good qualities for ten years before it was put on the market.
Thuja occidentalis belongs to the cypress family and comes from eastern Canada. Already in the middle of the 15th century, the first specimens of Thuja occidentalis came to Europe. Arbor-Vitae has become a real “evergreen” over the centuries. The reason is the good qualities. The plant is easy to care for and undemanding.
Even today, the more than 300 named forms of Thuja have become indispensable in the garden, park and landscape. The popular conifers can be found everywhere as hedge, single or potted plants.
Where to plant ´Golden Smaragd´®
Always the right choice - as "golden" hedge, single plant or in the planter
A “golden” hedge
A hedge of ´Golden Smaragd´® is simply eye-catching and an enrichment for every garden and landscape . ́Golden Smaragd ́® provides a evergreen privacy screen all year round. It significantly dampens road noise, filters dust from the air and serves as a windbreak and shade provider. For many bird species, Thuja hedges provide valuable nesting sites. ´Golden Smaragd´® is suitable for hedges from two to four meters high. Thuja prefers sunny locations on humus-rich, moderately moist soils. The tree is extremely frost-hardy and cut-tolerant.
Single plant
´Golden Smaragd ́® grows into a densely branched, narrow cone shape tree of up to six meters high. By pruning measures, their growth can be kept at any height and width. It can be used universally and sets golden accents in every garden area.
In the planter
´Golden Smaragd´® is a real star on the terrace, balcony or the entrance area. The plant forms a beautiful contrast to dark-leaved shrubs, especially in the autumn months.
Plantcare – this is how ´Golden Smaragd´® remains healthy and beautiful
Tips & tricks how ´Golden Smaragd ́® looks like planted and maintained by the professional.
Sunny to half shady.
Thuja prefer sandy, gritty to humous soils. The pH should be slightly acidic to alkaline. The tree should be planted only on sufficiently moist, well-aerated soils. Droght or waterlogging should be avoided for the health of the plant. Due to their resistance to air pollution, Thuja are also very popular as inner-city greenery.
Freshly planted Thuja ´Golden Smaragd´need sufficient water. In case of drought and sun, watering should be done daily. Sufficient moisture is also necessary in winter. The reason: Evergreen trees like Thuja also evaporate water during this time in long-lasting, dry and sunny weather. In order to provide a good water balance the plant should therefore be watered occasionally on frost-free days.
From March to June with long-term fertilizer. Available at garden centres or specialised retail.
Thuja grow relatively fast. In order for them to branch well and form a uniform, dense hedge, however, they should be cut once or twice a year. But beware: After too much pruning, trees of life do not turn green again, so it is important that you maintain the cutting rhythm and do not cut back too deep into the older wood.
Planting in the garden:
- Water the plant sufficient. Dry root balls should be watered very well – possibly they should be dunked into water shortly.
- Dig a hole which has twice the size of the root ball. Loosen rigid soil to make it easier for the plant to grow. Add some planting-soil or peat moss into the loosened planting hole.
- Remove the pot and rough the root ball to loosen the root and activate them to growth.
- Plant the plant and fill up the hole with soil / peat, avoid cavities and press on the soil well. Possibly you could add a top layer of bark mulch.
- Water very well with a lot of water.
- Water well after planting in case of dry weather.
Planting in pots:
- Water the plant sufficient. Dry root balls should be watered very well – possibly they should be dunked into water shortly.
- Choose a big adequate pot with holes in the bottom that water can drain off. The bigger the pot the better the growth of the plant is and the longer the plant could be leaved in the pot before transplanting.
- Fill up a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot made from clay fragments, pebbles or the like.
- Fill up the pot with soil or peat moss from the specialized trade. Leave a hole to add the plant.
- Remove the pot and rough the root ball to loosen the root and activate the growth.
- Plant the plant and fill up the rest of the hole with soil / peat moss, avoid cavities and press on the soil well.
- Water well after planting. In case of dry weather water regularly.